240 volt 'mains' power is possible even without being plugged into electric ! This is achieved using an inverter. An inverter takes 12 volts battery power and transforms it to 240 volts AC so you can run mains powered appliances of it. But, there is always a but...... the capacity is limited and it is only a short duration solution as it deplets your batteries fast if a high demand is taken. But it is a useful addition if you do need 240 volts in your van. All appliances like Televisions, laptops, chargers have the ability to run off 12 volts from the leisure batteries and this should be the preferred method before using an inverter. We can offer you a consultation without obligation if required and prepare an estimate for fitting an inverter if required.
Not all inverters are born equal ! There is a few things you need to know. For instance, if you would like to run a microwave oven then a PSW (Pure sign wave) inverter is required. Some power tools are sensitive to waveform too and also require a PSW inverter to operate. 'Most' appliances will run on a MSW (modified sign wave) and they are cheaper to buy, but in recent years the price difference between a PSW & a MSW inverter has narrowed. You also need to buy an inverter with the correct wattage capability, if you need to run a hairdryer for example then you need to buy an inverter with 2x the power draw of the hairdryer (1800 watt dryer needs a 3500 watt inverter to start it).. it requires a considerable current to start the appliance (usually 2x times). The higher the watt inverter the quicker it will kill your batteries, so a trade off is needed. Talk to us for info, for reccomendations and for a quote if required.